

" I joined Indus International School Pune in Grade 5. I had relocated from London and I remember the buddy system that the school follows, which was instrumental in helping me adjust to my new environment and settle in with ease. I am a National Squash Player and Indus International School Pune has always supported me every step of the way in my journey. The school has taught me to develop leadership qualities such as dedication, discipline and hard work. They have always encouraged me to shine not only in my sport, but also in my academics. I really appreciate the flexibility that I was permitted during my tournaments. If I had to take leave during an exam or an assessment, then my teachers always made sure that I gave the tests separately rather than miss it altogether. This, to a great extent, helped me balance my academics with my sport. I credited my teachers who guided and supported me throughout my High School journey and were instrumental in helping me get into London School of Economics. "

- Karan Patel - Graduated from High School - May 2022

"Our journey at Indus has been a fairly long one. It started in 2014, when my daughters moved to this school. My eldest one joined in Grade 7 while the younger one joined in Grade 1. Our youngest joined in 2017 at the age of two and a half years. Her bag then also carried diapers and a feeder bottle.
We wanted an institution that would ensure the all-round development of our children and we have seen our children blossom here. They received encouragement and support at every step of the way. They could share their ideas, hopes and fears freely and they always received an attentive and caring ear.
My older two took on leadership roles and participated in co-curricular activities. My eldest went on to becoming captain of her house Orion, while the younger one was elected as prefect of hers. They learnt to step into the leadership role with confidence, thanks to the opportunities and exposure they received at Indus. The elder one even went on to play an instrumental role in setting up the Anti-bullying Committee. She played football at the national level and was a part of the IB schools’ team. The feather in her cap was the Young Achievers Award for All round excellence, that she received as she graduated from school in 2020.
My second daughter is in Grade 9 now and my youngest child is in Grade 3. They love going to school and I think this is due to the excellent bonding between teachers and students. There is mutual respect and understanding and they feel engaged and inspired.
The parent community here is very involved and supportive towards the school and one another. The transition from one program to another is seamless and help is always close at hand. The dedicated career placement team guides and supports students through their entire college applications journey and ensures that they get admitted into a college that is a right fit for them. From the Principal to every member of every department, we have only ever felt gratitude.
We moved here because we felt that Indus International School Pune does not commercialise education like many other institutions. We hope that its central focus will always be the well-being and personal growth of the students. I have full faith in this school and would encourage all prospective families to consider this school for their child/children. "

- Supriya Naik's

“ I joined Indus International School Pune in DP 1 (Grade 11) and it was certainly the best decision I have taken so far. At Indus International School Pune, I found the best of both worlds – excellent academic preparation through comprehensive exams and assessments, teachers going above and beyond to provide personalised feedback as well as exposure to a wider education through leadership programmes, curricular clubs and thought provoking projects. All this and more has prepared me and helped me attain a perfect 45 point in my IBDP, thereby achieving my dream of pursuing my higher education at Cambridge University.
All this and more has prepared me and helped me attain a perfect 45 point in my IBDP, thereby achieving my dream of pursuing my higher education at Cambridge University.
Indus International School Pune taught me the importance of building my network and using it not only to gain opportunities for my personal growth, but also to reach out and help others.
I whole heartedly recommend Indus International School Pune to all aspiring students, who are seeking a modern progressive and holistic education."

- Nihar Karve - Graduated from High School - May 2022

" I joined Indus International School Pune in MYP 4 (Grade 9) and one of the first things I was taught is that no question is silly or irrelevant. We should never be conscious or afraid of asking questions. The teachers here are extremely polite and patient. They are always there for you. You must reach out to them if you have any doubts and they will do their best to help you.
At IISP, I learnt that there is no substitute for hard work. You have to make sure that your submissions are on time and you stay positive throughout your IB journey. More than anything, you need to enjoy your IB experience and make the most of it.
The College Counselling team here is very supportive and will handhold you through the entire college application process. It is important that you reach out to them from the very start so they get to know you well enough and can help you apply to Universities that are a perfect fit for you.
IISP has always been my safe and happy place. It is the perfect nurturing ground for every student who aspires to reach their potential and realize their dreams. I thank everyone here who has encouraged me to spread my wings and soar higher than I could have ever imagined."

- Muskaan Toshniwal - Graduated from High School - May 2022